Thursday, April 20, 2006

Municipal Art League of Chicago Juried Show

This painting was awarded an Honorable Mention at the Reception on May 13th.

My painting entitled "Jessica" will be on exhibit at the Beverly Arts Center for the Municipal Art League of Chicago's Juried Show. This show will run from May 13th to June 10th, 2006. The openning reception is scheduled for May 13th, from 6 -9 pm at 2407 W. 111th St. in Chicago.
If you live in the area stop by, its also a great opportunity to visit the Vanderpool Museum. I've not been there yet but heard it was fantastic.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Oil Painter's of America's 15th National Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils

Exciting news!!!!

One of my paintings entitled "Sarah's Thoughts" was accepted into the Oil Painter's of Amercia's 15th National Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils, which will take place at the Dana Gallery in Missoula Montana from May 5th - June 24th. It is an honor to be accepted and I'm looking forward to it.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A New Still Life

My most recent still life. Because this past month was mainly devoted to the business side of art, I was not painting as much as I normally do and let me tell you, its not easy getting back into it. You loose momentum and it just does not feel good. I know the business side needs to be worked on but I will try my hardest not to let more then a few days go by without painting.

I just bought this little tea cup a few days ago and I was really excited about painting it. I hadn't intended on painting a finished piece only because I felt the need to warm up a bit, but as I was painting things started to fall into place and I watched as the painting came alive. I think it reads well and I was happy with it.