Amongst the sketches were a few notes to myself. Several quick little phrases and some lengthy entries of inner thoughts and reflection. Reading over these notes triggered something in me that I may have lost over some time. I paint because I have to, it is in me. Life is too beautiful to let it slip by without even noticing. I was given this gift, this sensitivity to life and its my job to take what was given and invest, cause it to grow.
At the time I had written one of my little entries, I was sitting on a bed of rocks on the shore of a little island off the coast of Maine. No one was on this island but a small group of students and the owner of the island. I began to take in the beauty of such a place, the awesome peacefulness, the tranquility of creation. As my eyes wondered around the panoramic view of ocean and sky, as the crisp, clean scent known only to this little island began to embrace my senses I started to write. My words expressed my awe in this creation and praise to The Creator of life. I was so thankful to be blessed to see this world in a unique way. It is an honor to me to be able to paint, to explore the world around me in its intricate detail and vast wonder. To God be the Glory.
The photo was taken from where I sat, writing and relfecting.